Divide Your Audience to Reach Them Better
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Divide Your Audience to Reach Them Better
Posted by Kay
- April 6, 2020
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Marketing is all about reaching people, and the best way to reach anyone is to find them where they are. But not all groups of people can be found in the same place, so how do you efficiently tell many groups of people about your product or service?
That’s where segmentation comes in.
By dividing your audience into segments, you can create a message specially designed for each group of people you want to reach. Dividing your audience by generational group can be helpful since doing so creates segments of people with similar views, values, and ideals.
There are six generations of people living and working in the United States today. Members of the Greatest Generation, born between 1901 and 1924, are the oldest living generation. As a result of advanced age, they are also the smallest living generation. The Silent Generation was born between 1925 and 1945 and make up 3% of the American workforce, though they may only be working as a way to stay active. Traditional communication methods like word-of-mouth are essential to reaching these groups.
But baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, can often be found online. While they’re not known for being tech-savvy, boomers have embraced the use of modern technology and now spend more time online than they do watching TV in an average week. Many of them also use social networks—61% of baby boomers report using Facebook—and the internet has become the primary source of information for many in this age group.
Gen Xers, born between 1965 and 1980, are known for questioning authority and the sanctity of big business, yet they now hold the majority of business leadership roles. Establishing trust with transparent, open communication and evidence-based messaging will help you reach this group of people. Video is a powerful communication tool for Generation X, as 73% of Gen Xers turn to YouTube to learn how to do something. They also spend the most time of any cohort on online shopping; they outpace millennials in tablet ownership; they are more likely to stay on their phones during meals; and according to Nielsen, they are the most connected generation.
Generation Y—better known as millennials—on the other hand, who were born between 1981 and 1996, are more likely to prefer traditional textbooks for learning new things, although they do see value in YouTube for learning. That said, 9 out of 10 millennials own smartphones and almost all of them use the internet regularly, making them easy to reach online.
While 98% of those in Gen Z own smartphones and 80% of them feel distressed when kept from their personal electronic devices, open dialogues are the key to reaching this group. Born between 1997 and 2012, 53% of them prefer face-to-face communication. Encourage back-and-forth engagement with this group and strive to provide an authentic digital and social presence.
There is no such thig as a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing; you have to know your audience and recognize their needs. Knowing which tools and resources—whether they be traditional, online, or mobile—work best for different groups can make a big difference in the effectiveness of your outreach efforts.
If all this leaves you wondering where in the world to start, then start with a call to the experts—contact Impact Marketing at (319) 232-4332 or ImpactMT.com today.