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With more than 1 billion daily users on Facebook, it is crucial to know and target your business’
audience. You could just create an ad and throw it out into the void, but Facebook offers many helpful
tools to make sure your ads end up in front of valuable potential customers. Take a look at just a few of
the ways Impact can manage your Facebook ads to make sure you get your money’s worth.
Custom Audiences:
So, you already have some great, loyal customers, why not utilize them to help expand your reach?
Impact can create custom audiences for you with your customer phone list or subscriber email list.
Then, we can take further steps to create “Lookalike Audiences” that have similarities to your audience,
connecting you to even more potential clients.
Life Events:
Life events such as getting married, moving, or expecting a baby can be targeted on Facebook to show
products that pertain to these people. For instance, a photographer might want to target their ads
towards couples who are newly engaged or moving services will target those who recently purchased a
house or apartment. Using this tool, Impact can target your ads to people who need what you sell.
Purchasing Behavior:
We can target audiences based on recent purchasing behavior on a wide variety of goods and services.
You can see how many users you are able to target with these subcategories based on their offline
purchasing data. With this resource, we can ensure that your ads are being seen by new potential
customers who have shown that they’ve previously bought similar products to what you provide.
All of these options provided by Facebook are great ways for Impact to make sure your business is
getting the most out of its social media advertising.