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Our Favorite Super Bowl Commercials

Super Bowl

Super Bowl commercials are some of the most-watched advertisements of the year. In fact, studies show that millennials tune in more for the commercials than the actual game.* We rounded up our favorite commercials from this year and past years to share with you. Dave’s Pick: Easy one…begins and ends with Terry Tate office linebacker. …

Man holding Impact Marketing business card

Get Your Name Out

Often overlooked and underused, business cards may seem like an old-school marketing technique, but they’re still very relevant. In fact, compared to the vast field of digital communication tools, having something physical a customer can hold in their hands may actually make you stand out. It may seem very basic but if you’re struggling to …

group of people collaborating

Marketing Agency vs. In-House

For new and existing businesses, the decision to market often begins with the question of who will handle your marketing: an in-house team or a marketing agency? Both have pros and cons, but we suggest hiring a marketing agency for the following reasons. 1. The Cost The cost of hiring a full-time marketer, let alone …

woman in glasses with rainbow hair

Color Conscious

Psychology When you look at this photo, what do you see? What characteristics do you think this car has? Some words that come to mind are powerful, fast, and aggressive. But why? There’s no text that says this car is fast or powerful. It’s not moving, so we can’t see how aggressively it can drive. …
Comments on the Colosseum

No One Escapes Negative Reviews

Are you panicking because your business got a negative review? Stop, breathe, and take your fingers off that keyboard! Every business gets a negative review at some point. Yes, every business.  Consider, for example, the Colosseum in Rome. The almost 2,000-year-old Italian icon has pages and pages of 1-star reviews on Google, with comments ranging from:  to architectural critiques such as: Or, …
woman smiling and pointing at five stars

Get More Online Reviews

Before even entering a business, 9 in 10 consumers will check out their online reviews.¹ Think about it—90%, that’s almost everyone in a business’ base of potential customers. If your business doesn’t have online reviews, or has a low overall rating, you’re losing potential revenue each day. Businesses with a 4-star rating attract twenty percent …