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Is Tik Tok The New Place for Your Business to Be

Although rumors have recently swirled about TikTok’s demise in the US, it is likely here to stay. TikTok has quickly become one of the most-used social media platforms, with its 60-second or less videos getting thousands, sometimes millions, of views. Brands, entrepreneurs and influencers have been using the platform to promote themselves and have seen …

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Back to School Marketing in 2020

Back to School is one of the biggest business times of the year for many brands, but COVID-19 is changing what it will look like this year. While states, cities, and school districts continue to make plans for this upcoming school year, parents’ and students’ stress levels are rising as they try to prepare. So, …

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Get The Full Instagram On Desktop

Instagram from the beginning has been what’s referred to as a “Mobile First” platform. Meaning that the general goal for the structure is to assume that users are accessing the service via a mobile device, or to encourage them to do so by adjusting the interface and limiting features on their desktop version. The most …