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What Goes Into Making Your Video

Every second, one hour’s worth of video content is uploaded to YouTube. Seems a little outlandish right? That would mean that every 24 seconds, a whole day’s worth of new content is uploaded. That statistic, which was accurate in 2012, has only increased. Nine years later, that number has catapulted to nearly 10 hours per …

woman typing on laptop

7 Reasons to Start a Company Blog

What content marketing strategy can be done with limited technical knowledge in any location – and be adjusted to suit your tone? If you said blogging, you’re 100% correct. Blogging (and writing in general) can take a lot of time. With that in mind, we’ve compiled seven statistics to show why your business should dive …

woman looking at blog on laptop

How to Be a Better Blogger Pt2

So, after reading our last post, you’ve decided to take the plunge and start a company blog. Great! Keep this in mind, though: blogging isn’t as easy as it may seem. To help you out, we’ve compiled three tips to help your blog reach success. Have a purpose When you’re creating something for your company, …