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Kryton website on computer and tablet

Get to Know Our Work: Kryton Engineered Metals Website

Welcome to our new blog series “Get to Know Our Work,” where different members of our team will take the time to introduce their favorite project. This would be something they have personally worked on here at Impact Marketing. We will start off this series with our Webmaster, Alek.

Over my seven years here at Impact Marketing, I have worked on many projects from start to finish. You can probably imagine that picking a favorite would be difficult. However, if I was to pick one project, it would be the Kryton Engineered Metals website. When simply looking at the website, one will notice the …

Iowa Irish Fest booklet

Get to Know Our Work: Iowa Irish Fest Brand Identity

Welcome to the next installment of our blog series “Get to Know Our Work,” where different members of our team will take the time to introduce their favorite project. A year after graduating from the University of Northern Iowa, Delynn, our graphic designer, found herself at Impact Marketing working on multiple projects, including brand identities for big-name Cedar Valley clients.

As a graphic designer, I get to take on multiple tasks, from logo design to social media. Recently, I worked on rebranding the Iowa Irish Fest, and I would have to say that this has been my favorite project so far with Impact. It has been a fun challenge to connect traditional Irish culture with …

white gray blue cream splotches

Get to Know Our Work: Iowa Irish Fest Television Commercials

Welcome to the next installment of our blog series “Get to Know Our Work,” where different members of our team will take the time to introduce their favorite project. The next projects we will highlight two different, yet related television commercials that Annika, our creative director and project manager, worked on during the summer of 2021.

One of my favorite projects I’ve worked on here at Impact was a set of TV commercials promoting the 2021 Iowa Irish Fest, held annually in downtown Waterloo. The Fest is an extremely important part of the entertainment that provides family-friendly fun, cultural experiences, and lots of excellent music (with a fresh brew or two …

National Cattle Congress fair billboard

Get to Know Our Work: National Cattle Congress “How Do You Fair?” Campaign

Welcome to the next installment of our blog series “Get to Know Our Work,” where different members of our team will take the time to introduce their favorite project. Four years ago, Ross started as a graphic designer here at Impact Marketing, and over the last year transitioned to a full-time web developer. When he was asked about his favorite project from his time at Impact, it was hard to tell what direction Ross would go because of his multitude of skills, but his answer was the “How Do You Fair?” 2019 National Cattle Congress campaign.

  The National Cattle Congress Fair is a local event that takes place every September in Waterloo, Iowa, and back in 2018, they contacted Impact about rebranding the fair. NCC wanted to work on attracting a younger audience, as they had been around for 100 years and felt they might be known for outdated attractions …

industries we search on tablet

Get to Know Our Work: Impact Marketing Website

Welcome to the next installment of our blog series “Get to Know Our Work,” where different members of our team will take the time to introduce their favorite project. Ashley is a web developer and photographer that joined our Impact team a little over a year ago. Her favorite project so far has been recreating the Impact Marketing website.

When I was hired at Impact in February 2021, one of the things that I knew right away was that I wanted to work on building a new website for the company. As a marketing firm, we invest our time into making sure our clients are getting the best of the best, which means that …