Insurances & Legal

All things associated with Insurance & Legal

Research. Convey. Evaluate.

We build a lasting brand
for our Insurance & Legal clients

Creating an informational, easy-to-understand message is essential to gaining and retaining customers.

Insurance and legal topics can be difficult to process. In these competitive industries, reaching your audience is especially important through both visual and verbal messaging. Not only should you have a memorable logo, but every aspect of your brand, from business cards to emails to letterhead, is important.

In the past 20 years, we’ve designed hundreds of logos for businesses that rely heavily on their brand. Then, we expand that brand to create compelling advertising campaigns that utilize direct mail, digital advertising and email marketing.

Services We Provide

Here are some of the main services Impact Marketing provides for our Insurance & Legal clientele.

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Logo Design

The logo is the foundation of any good brand. Our creative team handles logo design like the pros they are, beginning with name brainstorming and ending with primary and secondary logos that convey your brand.

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Once a logo design is done, we put everything together in an easy-to-understand set of branding guidelines. This document contains everything from fonts to colors to how to properly display your logo.

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Email Marketing

When you have an audience, it’s integral to maintain their interest. Email marketing is a low-cost way to keep your clients up to date on industry topics, company happenings and more.

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Direct Mail

Approximately 70% of consumers say direct mail is more personal than online interactions. Take advantage of this by reaching your customers with postcards, company swag, or even a handwritten note.

Portfolio Items

From Insurance for small businesses to Legal consultants – Impact has done it all and more.

Take a look through a few of our mockups from a variety of clients. With branding, copywriting, advertising and more, we can get our clients where they want to be.

  • Projects: Outreach, Branding, Direct Mail
  • Field Type: Small Business Insurance, Law Firms

Our Best

Case Studies

Learn about how we approach different markets through targeting audiences, campaign strategy, and creating a brand that will make an impact in your industry.