Industrial & Manufacturing

All things associated with Industrial & Manufacturing

Identify. Build. Adapt.

We build a lasting brand
for our Industrial & Manufacturing clients

We know the effort you put into everything you do. We’ll match that when putting together a marketing strategy unique to your company.

Businesses in the industrial and manufacturing world rely heavily on sales. Each and every piece of your company, from the website to company headshots to advertisements themselves are selling tools.

Impact Marketing has designed highly successful campaigns in the industrial and manufacturing sectors for decades. Our team is well-versed in the industry and knows how to convert impressions into bona fide sales in your favor.

Services We Provide

Here are some of the main services Impact Marketing provides for our Industrial & Manufacturing clientele.

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Digital Marketing

Digital marketing can be intimidating to those who aren’t familiar. We’ll do the legwork by creating an advertisement, building landing pages, utilizing tactics and tracking each campaign’s performances.

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When potential customers find you online, they want to know about your company, not just what you do. Including headshots of your team is especially important for that reason and can be used across platforms.

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As an industry expert, educating your customers is a notable way to improve your reputation. Infographics can establish your company as a reputable source – plus, they can be displayed on social media, your website, or even in a video.

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Content Creation

Your ideal marketing company should be able to handle your advertising needs from multiple angles. Our team has experience in content creation for print, digital, broadcast and online.

Portfolio Items

From Car mechanics to Construction to Engineering  – Impact has done it all and more.

Take a look through a few of our mockups from a variety of clients. With branding, copywriting, advertising and more, we can get our clients where they want to be.

  • Products: Social Media Posts, Websites, Mailers
  • Field Type: Construction, Car Repair, Manufacturing, Armor

Our Best

Case Studies

Learn about how we approach different markets through targeting audiences, campaign strategy, and creating a brand that will make an impact in your industry.