
Everything technology & tech services!

Analyze. Report. Innovate.

We build a lasting brand
for our tech clients

Technology is an ever-growing industry that’s constantly evolving to suit the needs of the public.

You’re expected to be on the cutting-edge of your industry. Your marketing team should be as well. That’s where Impact Marketing comes in. We’re experts on modern marketing techniques, specifically social media and digital marketing.

Our tactical approach will deliver the results you need measured by KPIs that fit your campaign. Our media strategy is only matched by our creative prowess.

Services We Provide

Here are some of the main services Impact Marketing provides for our technology clientele.

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Digital Marketing

Looking to reach a specific audience? Digital marketing is probably a part of the solution. By using tactics unique to your goal, we can put together a design and messaging that will deliver the results you’re looking for.

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Social Media

There are dozens of social media platforms out there, and all of them have different algorithms. What works on one network won’t work on all of them. Our team is current on social media trends and knows how to effectively manage your accounts so you don’t have to.

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Report Generation

You may think your campaign is doing great, but what does the data say? Our team knows how to interpret complex data and format it in an easy-to-understand report. Plus, once this is done, we can take your already-successful campaign and give suggestions for how to further improve it.

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Proofing & Editing

Some of our clients love to write their own content, and that’s great! To better match all materials (in addition to proofing for grammar, spelling and tone), we can edit all copy that comes our way, whether it’s long-form website content or a short blurb for social media.

Portfolio Items

Digital marketing, social media and more to get you up-to-date in an ever-growing industry – Impact has done it all and more.

Take a look through a few of our mockups from a variety of clients. With branding, copywriting, advertising and more, we can get our clients where they want to be.

  • Projects: Social Media, SEO, Print
  • Field Type: Tech Support, Security

Our Best

Case Studies

Learn about how we approach different markets through targeting audiences, campaign strategy, and creating a brand that will make an impact in your industry.