Real Estate

All things associated with Real Estate

Localize. Reach. Secure.

We build a lasting brand
for our real estate clients

Marrying your individual brand with your companies can be a fine line to tread. Lucky for you, we’re experts at it.

Buying a house is an important life event, and finding a trustworthy realtor is part of the process. In an area where it sometimes feels like everyone and their mother is a realtor, how do you make sure you stand out?

Enter Impact Marketing. Our web development team is experienced in website design and front and back-end development. We offer all aspects necessary to creating a website, from copywriting to SEO to digital marketing (which is essential to driving website traffic).

Services We Provide

Here are some of the main services Impact Marketing provided for our Real Estate clientele.

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MLS Integration

One of the greatest difficulties hosting a real estate website is the addition of MLS integration. Not only does it take up a lot of storage space, but it requires a lot of back-end customization. Our team has years of experience working with MLS, and our coding knowledge is just as strong as our understanding of effective design.

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Social Media

If you want to relate to your potential clients, social media is the way to go. Our team has experience creating graphics, writing captions and managing social media accounts. Whatever you need, we can do.

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Website Copy & SEO

The written word is an essential tool to getting your website recognized on Google and other search engines. Our copywriting and web development teams work together to seamlessly integrate SEO into your website by following best practices.

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Being associated with a parent company’s brand can make it seem like you’ll just blend into the crowd. Our creative team is here to prevent that. We’ll make sure your individual brand sticks out while still following your parent company’s branding guidelines – and that’s a fact.

Portfolio Items

From a real estate agent just starting out to a large real estate firm – Impact has done it all and more.

Take a look through a few of our mockups from a variety of clients. With branding, copywriting, advertising and more, we can get our clients where they want to be.

  • Projects: MLS Integration, Branding Association
  • Field Type: Single Real Estate Agent, Local Agency

Our Best

Case Studies

Learn about how we approach different markets through targeting audiences, campaign strategy, and creating a brand that will make an impact in your industry.