Events & Venues

All things associated with Events & Venues

Connect. Influence. Maximize.

We build a lasting brand
for our event clients

Events and festivals require more than just a couple days of the year. They take months of planning.

From promotional materials to day-of items, each piece of the event should revolve around a single brand. That brand should extend to online mediums, such as an engaging social media feed and informational, attention-grabbing website. We’ve worked with large and small events and venues and can create the best plan for your marketing budget.

Our experience across mediums allows us to voice your message into the great beyond and deliver tangible results.

Services We Provide

Here are some of the main services Impact Marketing provided for our Event & Venue clientele.

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Web Design & Development

As an event or venue, having a website that sends your brand’s message is essential. Our team creates engaging designs that translate across devices, meaning that your new site will look just as good on a desktop as it will on your phone.

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Marketing during an event is just as important as marketing ahead of it. Creating eye-catching signage is the best way to make sure all your attendees know what is going on and where it’s happening.

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Script Writing

Thanks to the addition of platforms such as iHeartRadio and Spotify premium, broadcast advertising is just as important as ever before. Our creative team not only knows how to create an excellent visual ad, but how to write an effective message that transcends mediums.

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Email Marketing & Press Releases

Our email marketing services allow your captivated audience to stay up to date on all things related to your event, and our copywriting team knows how to put together an educationally electrifying press release.

Portfolio Items

From Wedding Venues to Iowa Irish Fest in Waterloo, Iowa – Impact has done it all and more.

Take a look through a few of our mockups from a variety of clients. With branding, copywriting, advertising and more, we can get our clients where they want to be.

  • Projects: Posters, Branding, Signage
  • Field Type: Wedding Venues, Festivals, Events

Our Best

Case Studies

Learn about how we approach different markets through targeting audiences, campaign strategy, and creating a brand that will make an impact in your industry.